Saturday, October 30, 2010


Things that make you say "HMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!

Well, it has been a while since I wrote on my blog. Fall is pretty much over and winter is fast approaching. We now have snow on the mountains down to tree line. The last couple of mornings it has been very frosty. Luckily I had my studded tires put on this week. On Thursday and Friday the road to work was slick.

My summer gardening is done. The plants have either been put in storage for the winter or become worm food. I also planted over 200 bulbs for next Spring. I can hardly wait to see them all blooming. I also have some more exciting plans for planting flowers and making some new flower beds.

It is hard to believe that tomorrow is Halloween. I wonder how many trick or treaters will come. There is a huge carnival in town. I know lots and lots for families go to the carnival plus, trick or treat in the neighborhood.

Shaklee is just the same. I wish I could get family, friends and just about anyone to understand how the truly pure the cleaning products are or how natural the nutritional product are, but most of all I wish I could convince everyone just how much money could be made if you became a Shaklee Distributor.

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