I really can connect with this letter.
This is a letter written by Dr, Jamie McManus
Are you one of those people that despite your motivation and commitment some how you seem
to sabotage your own weight loss efforts? Well, you’re not alone. People do sabotage themselves
for a variety of conscious and unconscious reasons.
Maybe you do it because unconsciously you have a fear of failure. You’ve been on lots of diets
before with not much luck, so why should it be different this time? Because we have failed in the
past often makes us not want to even try again.
then there’s fear of the unknown – even though you want to lose those extra pounds you have
become comfortable in who you are. If you lose those pounds things could be different and
sometimes that’s scary. Sometimes its so scary we unconsciously put up an invisible wall to
protect ourselves from the unknown.
What about fear of success? Sounds silly right? Well, the truth of the matter is you might actually
worry about what your life would be like if you were thinner, healthier and more attractive.
Here are some tips on how to better manage it:
• Make a list of all the reasons why you want to lose weight. Reinforcing these reasons
will make it clear why you don’t want to engage in self sabotage.
• Believe in yourself and your ability to over come self sabotage. Even if you have
self-doubts, keep telling yourself you can and you will. You may not believe it at first, but
your behavior has a way of catching up with positive self talk.
• Identify your self sabotaging behaviors and make a list. Read them over so the next
time you do one of them you will recognize it.
• Try making a commitment to yourself to stop one sabotaging behavior for one
week. Write it down and come up with a positive behavior to do in its place. Repeat this
process from week to week and your success will build upon itself.
• Note the new behaviors you do and how they make you feel. It’s important to
recognize how you feel when you engage in healthy behaviors that build your confidence.
• Get support from others. Sharing your experiences with others who have “been there
done that” can help a lot.
If self sabotage is a problem for you, don’t worry, it is conquerable. Just recognizing the fact
that you do this is a step in the right direction.
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