Thursday, July 8, 2010


What happened to the wonderful summer weather Seward was having in May and June? It is hard to believe that it was only 48 the other morning. How about all that rain that we had yesterday? My poor flowers and grass. The flowers/veggies are drowning and my grass is out of control. I need some sunny dry weather to work outside!!
The B & B guests are trying to stay warm and dry. Some of the the guests are wondering if we really do have a mountain in our view. I had guests for three nights and they did not see the mountain once while they were here.
I'm trying to figure what to do for next years B&B advertising, prices, and how many rooms to rent out. Help me decide.
If you read this blog, pass it onto other friends. I'd love to have a bunch of members.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I love Alaska and saw your Etsy store and liked it bunches! Keep up the writing, since I can't come to Alaska from CT I can read about it, and keep up the sewing. If you get a chance check out my etsy site, will take you for a visit!
