Oh, what to write? There has been a lot going on in my life. I just had my last B and B guests for the season, unless someone else calls and needs a room. This season has been unbelievable. I hope next season is even better. My dream is finally coming true. The B and B is making enough money to pay several months of mortgage. I love that money coming into my bank account. if you know of anyone coming to Alaska next summer and needing a place to stay. Please contact me at alaskaglaciercreek.com or phone me at 907-362-1584.
Tomorrow may be one of the best days of my Shaklee business. I'm taking the bull by the horns and doing a holiday showcase. I'm hoping to get my name out in the Seward crowd. I'm also advertising an open house for the 17th. If this does not work, I'm not sure what I will do to get my business off the ground. I hope I can also get Sandy's name out there. We need to get her mind off school and onto activities that will make it possible for her to retire at the end of this school year.
I'm adding something new to my blog. I am going to start juicing. I just bought an Omega J8006 juicer. My adventure will begin on Sunday. I can hardly wait. i have lots of veggies and fruits to put through my juicer. If you have any recipes or ideas for juicing, please let me know. I want to be healthy wealthy and wise.
It is amazing. I still have tomatoes growing. One of my plants has 9 green tomatoes. I wish I had a heated green house that I could use all winter. Maybe if my B and B makes lots of money every summer I can build my dream green house. I'm going to take the Master Gardener Class this winter. I'm hoping it will motivate me to start my seeds early and grow lots of veggies and flowers.
It is hard to believe that in less than two months it will be 2013. This spring I will have been retired from teaching for 8 years. It makes me feel so old. I keep hearing stories that all the new teachers are so young. I was young once, but that is not the case any more. As my Grandfather used to say, you are only as old as you feel. Some days I feel really old. Working with some really young gals, makes me realize that the professional office is totally different than what I was brought up to believe in.
Well, it is time to go to bed. I'll have to write on m blog angain in the near future. Once I start writing, it just keeps pouring out of my mind. See you in the near future.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Last of September
What a month! Today is the last day of September. This month there has been 30 inches of rain, two hard frosts and lots of new snow in the mountains. I hope that this is not setting Seward up for another winter like last winter. I don't know if I can handle all that shoveling again. There were a couple of months last winter that the plowing bill was higher than the fuel bill. That just doesn't seem right.
Last night I got up about 3AM. I thought someone had left a light on outside. When I went to check, it was the moon. I'm glad I got to see the moon. With all this rain, the sky has been pretty cloudy. When I got up this morning the moon was on the side of the mountain out the front window. I tried to take a picture, but it just did not do the moon or the mountain justice.
Yesterday on my way into town for the Seward Music and Arts Festival (which was all the fun), I saw the brightest rainbow. I've not seen a rainbow that bright in a long long time. I even stopped at the side of the road and just watched it for a few minutes.
I think tonight will be the last night for B and B guests. This has been a very long season. I started back in the middle of May. If I can have this kind of B and B season from now on, I'd be a happy camper. It is a true miracle. I already have reservations for next June. The funnest part about this past Summers guests, most of them were from foreign countries. This is one of the biggest reasons I started the B and B. I get to meet the most wonderful people and touch their lives on their trip to Alaska. Most of the time their Alaska trip is either a "Bucket List Trip" or a "Trip of a Lifetime".
If you know of anyone coming to Alaska next Summer, send them my way.
Last night I got up about 3AM. I thought someone had left a light on outside. When I went to check, it was the moon. I'm glad I got to see the moon. With all this rain, the sky has been pretty cloudy. When I got up this morning the moon was on the side of the mountain out the front window. I tried to take a picture, but it just did not do the moon or the mountain justice.
Yesterday on my way into town for the Seward Music and Arts Festival (which was all the fun), I saw the brightest rainbow. I've not seen a rainbow that bright in a long long time. I even stopped at the side of the road and just watched it for a few minutes.
I think tonight will be the last night for B and B guests. This has been a very long season. I started back in the middle of May. If I can have this kind of B and B season from now on, I'd be a happy camper. It is a true miracle. I already have reservations for next June. The funnest part about this past Summers guests, most of them were from foreign countries. This is one of the biggest reasons I started the B and B. I get to meet the most wonderful people and touch their lives on their trip to Alaska. Most of the time their Alaska trip is either a "Bucket List Trip" or a "Trip of a Lifetime".
If you know of anyone coming to Alaska next Summer, send them my way.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
It is hard to believe that today is September 1, 2012. Where did this summer go? The weather is sure looking like fall. :(
I just had the most amazing B and B guests. It was a Mom and son. The Mom, takes her adult childrean on trips all over the world. This trip was for her son. I'd say he was only a couple of years younger than I am. It was very refreshing to see a son treat his Mom like a queen. This is one of the major reasons I own a B and B.
It has always amazed me how different B and B guests are from those that stay at a hotel/motel. My B and B (knock on wood) has never been damaged or had anything broken. It has never had anthing major stolen and the guests are always very respectful and prolite.
Once again I have great guests from another foreign country. This has been the year for B and B guests from other countries. I wish I could travel as much as all these people. However, if I was out of the country, these B and B guests would not be staying here.
Enough for today. I'll be back at a later date.
I just had the most amazing B and B guests. It was a Mom and son. The Mom, takes her adult childrean on trips all over the world. This trip was for her son. I'd say he was only a couple of years younger than I am. It was very refreshing to see a son treat his Mom like a queen. This is one of the major reasons I own a B and B.
It has always amazed me how different B and B guests are from those that stay at a hotel/motel. My B and B (knock on wood) has never been damaged or had anything broken. It has never had anthing major stolen and the guests are always very respectful and prolite.
Once again I have great guests from another foreign country. This has been the year for B and B guests from other countries. I wish I could travel as much as all these people. However, if I was out of the country, these B and B guests would not be staying here.
Enough for today. I'll be back at a later date.
End of August
Will, in less than 4 months, Christmas will be over. I have B and B people for another 4 weeks and a quilt retreat in fours weeks. This has been a very busy non-gardening summer.
I was very sad today. I had to miss a fishing trip. I went to see what they caught. Boy did they have a great day.
I went to an amazing wedding last weekend. It was held in an airplane hanger. They had the hanger door open and the guests looked out at Mount Alice. It was a beautiful sunny day. The wedding only took 15 minutes. The reception was in a white tent and blue metal building. The chandelier that hung in the building was amazing. I just learned that it was handmade my the bride, her Mom and the wedding planner. It was pretty classy for Seward. It was fun seeing and talking with a lot Seward people that I don't get to see very often.
These are great videos. Please watch and let me know what you think.
I was very sad today. I had to miss a fishing trip. I went to see what they caught. Boy did they have a great day.
I went to an amazing wedding last weekend. It was held in an airplane hanger. They had the hanger door open and the guests looked out at Mount Alice. It was a beautiful sunny day. The wedding only took 15 minutes. The reception was in a white tent and blue metal building. The chandelier that hung in the building was amazing. I just learned that it was handmade my the bride, her Mom and the wedding planner. It was pretty classy for Seward. It was fun seeing and talking with a lot Seward people that I don't get to see very often.
These are great videos. Please watch and let me know what you think.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
I really can connect with this letter.
This is a letter written by Dr, Jamie McManus
Are you one of those people that despite your motivation and commitment some how you seem
to sabotage your own weight loss efforts? Well, you’re not alone. People do sabotage themselves
for a variety of conscious and unconscious reasons.
Maybe you do it because unconsciously you have a fear of failure. You’ve been on lots of diets
before with not much luck, so why should it be different this time? Because we have failed in the
past often makes us not want to even try again.
then there’s fear of the unknown – even though you want to lose those extra pounds you have
become comfortable in who you are. If you lose those pounds things could be different and
sometimes that’s scary. Sometimes its so scary we unconsciously put up an invisible wall to
protect ourselves from the unknown.
What about fear of success? Sounds silly right? Well, the truth of the matter is you might actually
worry about what your life would be like if you were thinner, healthier and more attractive.
Here are some tips on how to better manage it:
• Make a list of all the reasons why you want to lose weight. Reinforcing these reasons
will make it clear why you don’t want to engage in self sabotage.
• Believe in yourself and your ability to over come self sabotage. Even if you have
self-doubts, keep telling yourself you can and you will. You may not believe it at first, but
your behavior has a way of catching up with positive self talk.
• Identify your self sabotaging behaviors and make a list. Read them over so the next
time you do one of them you will recognize it.
• Try making a commitment to yourself to stop one sabotaging behavior for one
week. Write it down and come up with a positive behavior to do in its place. Repeat this
process from week to week and your success will build upon itself.
• Note the new behaviors you do and how they make you feel. It’s important to
recognize how you feel when you engage in healthy behaviors that build your confidence.
• Get support from others. Sharing your experiences with others who have “been there
done that” can help a lot.
If self sabotage is a problem for you, don’t worry, it is conquerable. Just recognizing the fact
that you do this is a step in the right direction.
If you are interested in learning more about Shaklee's Cinch products, please contact me.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Happy August! I don's know about you, but it does not look like those of us living in Seward will not be having much of a summer. It is only 53 and raining. It has rained just as much this summer as last. So does that mean our winter will be the same as last winter? I'm not sure I want to deal with over 170 inches of snow again this coming winter.
My spring flowers are just finished blooming. I have one entire flower bed that has not had any flowers return. My garden vegetables look like is should be the end of May. The only thing that is growing well are my potatoes in my buckets. I'm hoping to get enough potatoes to have at least several meals. My biggest project for the summer has been killing alders. They are fierce weed/trees. I have trimmed a lot of them from the ditch by the road. I have some great pine trees that need to breath and straighten up. I've also whacked down most of the alders that are growing over the drain field. It really looks great where I've whacked. I hope that is stops raining long enough to get all the alders whacked.
I've found a great organic weed killer online. The ingredients are items that might make you say HUMMMMMMM!!!
1 oz. orange oil (I've found through Amazon. It is garden strength not an essential oil )
2 squirts liquid hand soap
1/2 gal vinegar
1/2 gal water
I used a round-up pump sprayer that I bought brand new.
When I did my first batch, I used less water. I was very impressed at how well it worked. If you look at the plants, you'd think I'd have used round-up.
Watch for my next blog on my B&B season and Shaklee.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
What a summer! The snow did not melt from my yard until June 15th, but on the 4th of July we had new snow up on the mountains. My flowers and vegetables are not doing very well. My flower beds are really struggling. I think this is a great year to redo restructure and replant my beds. Most of my perennials did not come back. I don't think they liked all that snow.
This winter/spring there is going to be a Master Gardener class. I can hardly wait. I really want gardening to be a major part of my life. I love playing/working in dirt.
Now for my B & B news. My B & B has been fuller than I thought it would ever be. I have met some amazing visitors to Alaska. If I can keep the people coming, I might be able to retire from the state for a second time plus make my mortgage payments in a couple of months.
Now for my tattle tailing. My Shaklee business has not been doing very well. I am in a rut. I come home and sit in front of the computer or talk to B&B guests. I'm not done any calling or parties to tell people about the wonderful products Shaklee has or the great business possibilities that Shaklee offers.
If you or someone you know are looking for a way to stay home and make lots of money, please contact me. I'm looking for a business partner.
Benefits of Building a Shaklee Business
Quarterly Incentives
Win Shaklee logo items, electronics, and other cool prizes!Fabulous Trips
Earn fabulous trips to exotic Bora Bora, French Polynesia, and the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas as you build your business and reach higher Leadership ranks. Plus, earn other special rewards, like trips to San Francisco and the Napa Valley, a Hometown Celebration, and an invitation to a Leadership Conference at the Shaklee World Headquarters!Monthly Car Payments
Earn from $225 up to $600 when you advance in rank and grow your business.PLUS, we'll hand you the keys to your own Mercedes-Benz S400 hybrid when you achieve our top Leadership rank.
Global Conference Recognition
Get the star treatment and on-stage recognition at the biggest event of the year—the 2011 Shaklee Global Conference in Washington, D.C."The first time I was recognized on stage at a Shaklee Global Conference, I was on cloud nine! I realized that Shaklee was real and I could do it. My fears of failure seemed to be less and less, and I knew this would be my life's work. I knew I could succeed." -- Kathy Aleman, New Master Coordinator, Florida.
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